Thursday, March 10, 2011

DIAMOND should change her name to CUBIC...

Imma pray for this one here, Like for real. At one point in time Diamond was on the road to be the New "IT" girl in the idustry but since the NickiGATE(THE ASSASINATION OF THE SUB PAR FEMCEES) she has been exposed for being simply a "face" In addition to not havin the "Majestic Ghetty P" as a love slave and havin to settle for "scrappy", Losin some property and car publicly, and just not bein 100, she goes and does this coonery, Following the lead of Gucci Man, and Young LA(to name two well-known idiot savants) she tats her face...At first I didnt believe it but yeah the chick got a BULLET tatted on her face.

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