Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dumb Buck is at it again, This time in addition to the pistol charge he just caught that could net him 10 years in this countrys slave system, Hes also being audited by creditors who are trying to lift the bankruptcy sheild he got last year when he applied for bankruptcy. Although Young Buck filed for bankruptcy last year creditors are now requesting that the court lift the shield of bankruptcy guarding Young Buck.

According to the Wall Street Journal several companies including Wells Fargo Financial Tennessee Inc., Ally Financial Inc., and Select Portfolio Servicing are all looking to seize property from Young Buck. Each company is scheduled to appear in court later this month for a hearing that will decide if the rapper will in fact keep his property. But according to Chapter 11 trustee Jeanne Burton, when it comes to the mortgage on Young Buck’s Hendersonville, Tennessee home it’s unclear who is the lawful holder of the mortgage since it was transferred from the original holder. “Movant has failed to provide sufficient proof that it is the lawful holder of the mortgage with the right to enforce same,” wrote Burton, according to the Wall Street Journal. Young Buck owes over $500,000 on his mortgage, about $11,000 on a Cadillac Escalade, and an unknown amount on a 2002 BMW X5.  

See thats why the Majestic Ghetty P, Only fux with gold plated beeshes and only eat money...Im tellin you, this nigga coulda called me, I shit out 11 thou...feel me.

smh this nigga take mo L's than my hooverin ass girlfriend...smdh

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